MeldaProduction MTotalFXBundle || Your Digital Software Registration Code and Instructions Will Be Sent to You, Along With an URL Connecting You Directly to The Manufacturer, Who Will Provide You With Your Software Digitally. Please Be Aware That Software Is Non-Cancelable and Non-Returnable. If you have any questions about this product please do not hesitate to contact us. Guildwater Gear is an Authorized MeldaProduction Dealer through the Xchange Market. There, You Can Find Us Among Their List of Authorized Resellers.
Turn your computer into a professional studio! MeldaProduction MTotalFXBundle is the ultimate collection of effects, and it currently contains 109 of them, including dynamics processors, equalizers, modulation effects including chorus and phasers, reverbs, stereo tools and analyzers.
Everything you need. MTotalFXBundle contains all of our effects covering all the tasks involved in music production: composing, mixing and mastering. With our included free for life updates, any new effect we release moving forward will be free for you! And it takes just a few clicks using our update system...
Unique super-modern technologies. The bundle contains traditional plugins as well as our revolutionary technologies, which give you the power to make your recordings sound incredible even if you haven't spent the last 50 years as an audio engineer. High speed, simplicity, flexibility when you need it, crystal clear sound and minimal noise level are all standard in MeldaProduction.
The MTotalFXBundle Includes:
- MAmp
- MAnalyzer
- MAutoAlign
- MAutoDynamicEq
- MAutoEqualizer
- MAutopan
- MAutopanMB
- MAutoPitch
- MAutoStereoFix
- MAutoVolume
- MBandPass
- MBassador
- MBitFun
- MBitFunMB
- MChannelMatrix
- MCharacter
- MChorusMB
- MComb
- MCombMB
- MCompare
- MCompressor
- MConvolutionEZ
- MConvolutionMB
- MDelayMB
- MDistortionMB
- MDoubleTracker
- MDrumEnhancer
- MDrumLeveler
- MDynamicEq
- MDynamics
- MDynamicsMB
- MEqualizer
- MEqualizerLP
- MFilter
- MFlanger
- MFlangerMB
- MFreeformAnalogEq
- MFreeformEqualizer
- MFreeformPhase
- MFreqShifter
- MFreqShifterMB
- MGranularMB
- MHarmonizerMB
- MLimiterMB
- MLimiterX
- MLoudnessAnalyzer
- MModernCompressor
- MMorph
- MMultiAnalyzer
- MNoiseGenerator
- MNotepad
- MOscillator
- MOscilloscope
- MPhaser
- MPhaserMB
- MPhatik
- MPolySaturator
- MRatio
- MRatioMB
- MRecorder
- MReverb
- MReverbMB
- MRhythmizer
- MRhythmizerMB
- MRingModulator
- MRingModulatorMB
- MRotary
- MSaturator
- MSaturatorMB
- MSoundFactory
- MSpectralDelay
- MSpectralDynamics
- MSpectralPan
- MStereoExpander
- MStereoGenerator
- MStereoProcessor
- MStereoScope
- MStereoSpread
- MTransformer
- MTransient
- MTransientMB
- MTremolo
- MTremoloMB
- MTuner
- MTurboComp
- MTurboCompLE
- MTurboDelay
- MTurboEQ
- MTurboReverb
- MTurboReverbLE
- MUltraMaximizer
- MUnison
- MUtility
- MVibrato
- MVibratoMB
- MVintageRotary
- MVocoder
- MWaveFolder
- MWaveFolderMB
- MWaveShaper
- MWaveShaperMB
- MWobbler
- MXXXCore