EarthQuaker Devices Spatial Delivery Envelope Filter Pedal Limited Edition (V2)
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EarthQuaker Devices Spatial Delivery Envelope Filter with Sample & Hold Pedal Limited Edition (V2)

[Guild Note: No one can present EarthQuaker Devices better than the EQD Marketing Team themselves. What follows derives straight from either the manufacturer's website, or the product's instruction manual.]

What’s up bud! Welcome to your brand new Spatial Delivery™! The Spatial Delivery is an oddball, a voltage controlled envelope filter that allows you to step outside the universe of funk while reinforcing your secret love affair with auto-wah. It has 3 modes- Up Sweep, Down Sweep and Sample and Hold. With Range, Resonance and Filter controls you can get super emphasized filter sweeps in the Up and Down modes. The Range, in combination with pick attack, controls the sensitivity and reaction time of the envelope and thus the width of the frequency sweep. The higher the Range and harder the attack equals a faster reaction time and higher frequency sweep and vice versa. Reign in the controls a bit, add your favorite overdrive/fuzz after the Spatial Delivery and you’ve got a real nice resonant, cut-through-the-mix lead tone. Crank the controls back up and you’re a neo-bedroom rock god.

In the Sample and Hold mode the filter is controlled by random voltage and the Range controls the speed. Add a sub octave into the mix (before or after) and you’ve just created a deep fried space droid computer freak-out. The filter can be cross faded between high pass (counter clockwise), band pass (center) and low pass (clockwise) for a wide variety of voices. The Resonance control goes from zero to the brink of oscillation and adds more body and ring to the filter voice. We recommend placing the Spatial Delivery first in your signal chain. However, due to its envelope control, experimenting with pairing and signal chain placement can take the potential of the Spatial Delivery even further. Each Spatial Delivery is hand made bit by damn bit in silver studded Akron Ohio. This device is true bypass and uses relay based “soft touch” switching. Audio will not pass without power.


Mode Toggle: This toggles between upward sweep, downward sweep or sample and hold.
Range: Adjusts the sensitivity of the envelope in Up and Down mode. In Sample and Hold mode, this controls the speed.
Filter: This crossfades between high pass and low pass filters and allows you to get everything in betwee. High pass is fully counter clockwise, low pass is full clockwise and center is band pass. This is much more useful than a simple switch because it allows you to blend the filters for different sounds!
Resonance: This is the filter feedback control, it adds more body and ring to the filter voice.
Flexi-Switching: This device features Flexi-Switch™ Technology! This relay-based, true bypass switching style allows you to simultaneously use momentary and latching style switching.

  • For standard latching operation, tap the footswitch once to activate the effect and then tap again to bypass.
  • For momentary operation, hold the footswitch down for as long as you’d like to use the effect. Once you release the switch the effect will be bypassed.

Measures: 4.75″ x 2.50″ x. 2.25″ with knobs

Power: Since the switching is relay based, it requires power to pass signal. The Spatial Delivery can be powered by a standard 9-volt DC power supply with a 2.1mm negative center barrel. We always recommend pedal-specific, transformer-isolated wall-wart power supplies or multiple isolated-output supplies. Pedals will make extra noise if there is ripple or unclean power. Switching-type power supplies, daisy chains and non-pedal specific power supplies do not filter dirty power as well and let through unwanted noise. Do not run at higher voltages!

Current Draw: 69mA
Input impedance: 500K
Output impedance: <1K