Fredenstein Artistic Comp Plus (500 Series)
Classic FET Compression, Done Right. The Fredenstein Artistic 500 Series Compressor is a single channel FET design with multi-channel link capability. The Artistic Compressor delivers the sonic essence of classic FET designs, but with modern refinements that include a quality, US-made steel-core transformer as well as Fredenstein's proprietary OPA2 op-amp and Reverse-Mancini FET architecture. One of the first things you'll notice about this unit is that there is no interaction between Attack, Release, and Threshold controls! You'll find the other rotary controls — Input, Release, Ratio, Make-up Gain, and Wet/Dry Mix — instantly familiar. You can set Attack Time and the side-chain highpass filter in three steps. A toggle switch for Bypass and another for Link completes the feature set. An LED bar-graph meter indicates the gain reduction in a range of 1dB to 16dB.